Although ECI designers are able to design from concept, artwork can be submitted for us to work with, modify or use for reference. We have received artwork from all kinds of file formats, but not all artwork files are created equal, and not all artwork files can be accepted.
Before we get into that, though, you will need to understand the difference between Vector files and Raster Files (Pixel images). Vector files are original graphic files that are made up of lines and points that did not come from an outside source and can be modified by ECI’s design team. Raster Files are images which are made up of pixels, or dots, that make up the picture and cannot be altered.
The Best Files to submit would be:
ADOBE-Illustrator (.ai): These are ultimately the best files you can submit. They are Vector files that are the cleanest to work with and do not contain any unoriginal images added from outside sources. They must include embedded fonts logos and graphics.
Encapsulated Post Script (.eps): These must include embedded fonts, logos and graphics.
CAD-AutoCAD (.dwg or .dxf): These are just drawings/drafts. They are not technically graphic files but can still be used and altered. These files are good for dimensional purposes.
No matter what files you submit, they must be saved in their original format and include all fonts and images. If they are not saved in their original format, the image can become altered and ECI will not be able to use them. Native files allow ECI to make modifications and allow color separation specified by the customer.
Good Files that are also acceptable include:
STP: for 3d models
Corel Draw (.cdr)
PDF: As long as they are created from a Vector file source, we will be able to use it. Otherwise, it is only used as a reference and for construction purposes.
Unacceptable Files include:
- .GIF files .TIF files .JPG files
- .PMP files, .PPT files, Photoshop or Paint
- .DOC files (Microsoft Word) .VSD files (Visio) MAC files (we are a PC environment)
These files are only OKAY for digital printing, but are still not preferred. They are only good at communicating your general ideas but we cannot use them because they only present us with the basic image and if we needed to make any adjustments or modifications, we would have to redraw the entire image. These files are therefore only good as reference points and ECI's design team will create new artwork.
Many times, when a customer creates a new design for a product, they will use the logo they are provided with by their corporate marketing department, which tends to be Raster Files - unusable in the design process that ECI needs to follow to produce the product. A simple solution is to request a Vector Image in Adobe Illustrator from the marketing department, and send that along with your design. ECI will handle the rest.
Acceptable artwork files allow ECI to get you your product faster and in many cases at a lower cost. Also, artwork files let us know exactly what you want and any modifications that you would like to make later on can be made easily. If you have any other questions about this topic, please contact an ECI customer service specialist and they will be able to help you through the process.