ECI technologies has been providing state of the art display windows, filters, lenses and doors for over 20 years. Unlike many of our competitors, ECI can provide both plastic and glass solutions. From scratch and abrasion resistance, to protection from weather, chemical and physical abuse, ECI will work with you to determine which materials and processes will ensure your product will be both durable and Asthetically attractive. ECI can provide our display, lens, filter and enclosure door solutions as standalone or as part of a complete assembly.
applications we have provided solutions for:
Control Panel Doors
Vending Machine Door Panels
Electronic Displays
Ruggedized Hand Held Remotes and Controls
Instrument Panels
Panel Displays
surfaces and materials FOR window, lens and door products:
The most common material for vehicle, machine and cockpit instrumentation. Clarity, strength and overall durability.
Formable - With a little heat, Acrylic is easy to bend, shape and mold.
Durable – Impact resistance. Perfect for Controls doors and vending machines.
Weatherability – More resistance to the elements than other plastic options.
Non-Yellowing – 10 Year non –yellowing capabilities.
Excellent combination of optical, physical, mechanical, thermal, and chemical properties.
- Clear optical appearance
- Great mechanical strength and toughness
- Tear-resistant and puncture-resistant characteristics
- Excellent dimensional stability over a wide range of temperatures
- Excellent resistance to most common solvents, moisture, oil, and grease
- Extremely low shrinkage (<0.1%) to as high as about 75%-in any directIn addition to its versatility in properties and applications, PET film is
also among the most environmentally friendly materials offered.
Hundreds of film grades are currently available to meet your needs.
Some applications:
- Equipment housings
- Exterior automotive components
- Outdoor lighting fixtures
- Nameplates and bezels
- Non-automotive vehicle windows
- Brackets and structural parts
- Medical supply componentsBenefits:
- Excellent physical properties
- Excellent toughness
- Heat resistant
- Fair chemical resistance
- Excellent transparency
servicing the following industries:
Medical Instrumentation
Fire and Emergency Alarms
Military Controls and Equipment
Consumer products
Anti-Glare/Anti-reflective Hard Coating
These materials create a matte surface that minimizes glare from in house lighting and sunlight, and provide excellent chemical and scratch resistance. Below are potential matte texture choices:
12% - Matte. Lowest surface reflection.
40% - Fine Matte. Low surface reflection with little loss of visual clarity. Excellent for windows, lenses and doors.
60% - Very fine Matte. Low glare. Excellent for windows, lenses and doors.All are resistant to scratching, abrasion, chemicals and weather.
Work with ECI’s engineers and designers to determine the correct surface coating for your application.
Gloss Hard Coating
92% - Polished. High gloss surface. Great for attractive graphics and selective texturing that can enhance logos and other important graphics. Resistant to scratching, abrasion, chemicals and weather. Not suggested for window or lens applications.
Selectively Textured Hard Coating
Creates texturing in selected areas of the product to enhance the esthetics as well as create a different surface look and feel between the window area and the rest of the product. Resistant to scratching, abrasion, chemicals and weather. Some available textures:
- Gloss
- Fine Matte
- Matte
- Brushed
- Fine Velvet
- Velvet
- Suede
Enhanced Contrast Filters using different lens colors
Different colored tints for lenses can enhance the readability for different displays. Some common examples are:
Vacuum Fluorescent Display – Blue and Green
Regular LCD – “Smoke”/gray
Seven Segment Displays – RedWork with ECI’s engineers and designers to determine the correct lens/window tint for your application.